Download the “Questions regarding Distribution 1” “ document from your personal folder below and save the document on your device/computer. Open the document you downloaded from your device/computer and complete or answer the relevant questions or instructions. When you are done, save the document to your device/computer. Then click on the “add files” button below and select your saved document for uploading.
[outofthebox dir=”/course documents/management consulting/learner folders” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|author|contributor|editor|subscriber|guest” userfolders=”auto” usertemplatedir=”/course documents/management consulting/sync to learners” downloadrole=”all” forcedownload=”1″ notification_skipemailcurrentuser=”1″ upload=”1″ upload_folder=”0″ uploadrole=”administrator|author|contributor|editor|subscriber” maxfilesize=”20 MB” notificationupload=”1″]
Once you have uploaded your completed and saved document, type the name of the assignment document you uploaded in the “Answer” text block provided below, and then click “Save”. If you are satisfied with your final submission click “Send”, to notify the course master that you have completed the assignment. Then click on the “Next” button below to continue to the next lesson.
- You will not be able to change your submission once the course manager has been notified.